Creating a Nature Table

By Tahnee Moore

If you haven’t yet created a nature table with your children this is the perfect time to begin. 

The nature table is an ongoing project that connects us to the seasons and what is happening in nature. 

nature table

It is a place to cultivate reverence and wonder. To inspire and add beauty. 

  • We begin by designating a place in the house. A little table or a shelf. The center of the dining room table is also beautiful.


  • We place a cloth down that represents the mood of the season: Spring might be green or floral for example.


  • We go on a nature walk and see what we find: fallen seed pods, flower petals, maybe a dead butterfly or insect, old cocoons, a fallen bird ́s nest, fruit that is in season, a special stone, seashells from a trip to the beach…. You may even wish to pick a bunch of fresh flowers to include or plant some seeds and watch them grow! You may also wish to add any precious crystals or special sentimental items that remind you of Spring: angel statutes, decorated eggs (new life), images of Spring, etc.


  •  We place the natural treasures on the table and add to this each time we venture out.


  • The nature table will change with the seasons.


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