Entradas de] cassandra

Myth Busting: How Reading Is Taught in a Waldorf School

Written by Sara Baldwin, Waldorf teacher The Evolution of Language In the evolution of humanity, spoken language developed first. Then came written language, originally through symbols (think hieroglyphics). Finally, once there was a written language, people learned to read. This is exactly the sequence in which children master language, and so is the sequence in […]

¿Jugamos? ¡Es como mejor aprendemos!

Escrito por Katia Saravia Marroquín, Co-fundadora y Directora Trinus. Conforme han pasado los años, les hemos quitado a los pequeños el tiempo de jugar, explorar, de ser creativos y de permitirles disfrutar y desarrollar las habilidades de cada etapa de su desarrollo. Ahora esperamos que infantes de cuatro años se queden sentados en una silla por […]

In an age of robots, schools are teaching our children to be redundant

  by George Monbiot In the future, if you want a job, you must be as unlike a machine as possible: creative, critical and socially skilled. So why are children being taught to behave like machines? Children learn best when teaching aligns with their natural exuberance, energy and curiosity. So why are they dragooned into rows […]

Building Forts and Minds: The Importance of Child Built Space

Article written by The Waldorf School of Philadelfia «In these secret places, children develop and control environments of their own and enjoy freedom from the rules of the adult world.” Educational and environmental psychologists, along with educators in the field, have taken a keen interest in fort building. It’s a constant presence in early and […]

Así aprendemos, así enseñamos, así caminamos en Waldorf.

Artículo escrito por Gabriela Rodriguez, Maestra de Sexto Grado en el colegio Inlakesh en México D.F La Pedagogía Waldorf “considera perjudicial introducir la lectura y la escritura antes de los siete años”, dice un artículo que carece de autor que se responsabilice del mismo y agrega que antes de esa edad tampoco se trabajan las matemáticas. […]

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