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The Crucial Role of Discipline in Teenagehood

by Stuardo Monroy, High School Main Educator

Teenagehood, often referred to as the «adolescent years,» is a period of profound transformation and self-discovery. It is a phase characterized by rapid physical, emotional, and intellectual growth, as adolescents navigate their way from childhood to adulthood, as well as facing the challenges of an evolving Waldorf education within Trinus, growing up, and adapting to new demands from teachers, parents and the school as a whole. 

During this time, the importance of discipline cannot be overstated. While some may view discipline as restrictive or harsh, it is, in fact, a cornerstone for teenagers in establishing a foundation for success and personal development. In this article, we will explore the significance of discipline in teenagehood and how it plays a vital role in shaping young individuals into responsible, well-rounded adults.

Discipline is a fundamental attribute that underpins personal growth and development. Self-discipline, in particular, is the ability to control one’s behavior, emotions, and desires to achieve specific goals. It is a skill that teenagers must cultivate during their formative years as it forms the basis for achieving long-term success and happiness. Self-discipline enables adolescents to resist temptations and distractions, manage their time effectively, and make responsible decisions.

In teenagehood, self-discipline is especially crucial as it helps young individuals establish a strong work ethic, develop a sense of responsibility, and maintain a healthy balance between their academic, social, and extracurricular activities. It is this inner strength that empowers them to persevere through challenging times and make choices that lead to personal growth.

One of the key aspects of discipline in teenagehood is effective time management. Adolescents are faced with an ever-increasing load of academic assignments, extracurricular activities, and social commitments. Learning to prioritize tasks and manage time efficiently can alleviate stress and prevent feelings of being overwhelmed.

When teenagers develop the discipline to create schedules, set priorities, and stick to them, they are better equipped to handle their academic responsibilities while still having time for hobbies, relaxation, and social interactions. This balance is essential for maintaining both mental and emotional well-being.

Discipline is closely linked to academic success. To excel in school, teenagers must develop the discipline to study regularly, complete assignments on time, and seek help when needed. A disciplined approach to academics fosters a growth mindset and a sense of responsibility for one’s learning. Furthermore, discipline helps teenagers set and work toward long-term academic goals. Whether they aspire to attend a prestigious college, pursue a specific career, or achieve high grades, discipline is the driving force behind their ability to make consistent progress and overcome academic challenges.

Teenagers often face complex and life-altering decisions during their adolescent years. These decisions can range from choosing their academic path and making ethical choices to forming relationships and dealing with peer pressure. Discipline plays a significant role in helping adolescents make responsible decisions.

Disciplined individuals are more likely to think critically, consider the consequences of their actions, and resist impulsive choices. Whether it’s saying no to drugs or alcohol, making choices about sexual activity, or handling conflicts maturely, discipline equips teenagers with the necessary skills to navigate the challenges of adolescence while maintaining their integrity and self-respect.

Discipline also extends to the way teenagers interact with their peers and family members. It involves understanding the importance of respect, empathy, and communication in maintaining healthy relationships. When teenagers cultivate the discipline to treat others with kindness and consideration, they form lasting bonds that are built on trust and mutual respect. Additionally, discipline helps teenagers constructively manage conflicts and disagreements, reducing the likelihood of strained relationships. The ability to listen actively, express themselves clearly, and work through differences is a product of disciplined emotional intelligence.

One of the most critical aspects of discipline in teenagehood is its role in preventing destructive behaviors. A disciplined approach to life acts as a protective barrier against these harmful activities. Teens who have developed self-discipline are better equipped to resist peer pressure and make choices that prioritize their long-term well-being. They are more likely to seek positive influences and engage in activities that promote their physical and emotional health.

The discipline cultivated during teenagehood sets the stage for adulthood. Adolescents who have developed self-discipline are more likely to carry these skills into their adult lives, leading to greater success and personal fulfillment. They are better prepared to handle the responsibilities that come with independence, such as managing finances, pursuing a career, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.  Additionally, disciplined teenagers tend to have a strong sense of self, allowing them to make informed decisions about their future, such as choosing a college, career path, or life partner. They are more likely to set and work towards meaningful life goals, resulting in a higher likelihood of achieving their aspirations.

The importance of discipline in teenagehood cannot be overstated. It is the foundation upon which teenagers build the skills and habits necessary for success, happiness, and personal growth. Through self-discipline, adolescents develop time management abilities, academic success, responsible decision-making, healthy relationships, and resistance to destructive behaviors. Moreover, discipline serves as a bridge to adulthood, equipping teenagers with the tools they need to navigate life’s challenges and make meaningful choices. As educators and parents, we play a pivotal role in fostering discipline in our young adults, helping them develop into responsible, well-rounded individuals ready to face the world with confidence and purpose.

Teacher Accreditation Experience

by Sheny Figueroa Tarot, Class 3 Main Educator

Cuernavaca, México, is the place where I have spent half of my Summer vacation during the last two years. The reason is that I have been studying to obtain my International Waldorf Teacher’s Certification.  And I have had a great experience each time I’ve been to the International Center of Anthroposophical  Development.

Each time I begin my classes, I am surprised by the curriculum proposed by the teachers. These are the classes that I received: Arts and  Science, where teachers train us students to see the world through the Goetheanum observation and Rudolf Steiner´s teachings.  And what is that, you may ask. Honestly, I´m still learning, but I will adventure to give you my own personal definition of this way of understanding the human experience: it means feeling, thinking, and doing before you reach your own definition of life. Feeling, thinking, and doing is a threefold process, and it is the basis of my School Trinus. Finally, I said after I finished this year, I am beginning to understand how to approach the understanding of the human being. I remember when my teacher heard me expressing my enthusiasm for my new discovery. He said, “Well done, Sheny! Twenty or thirty years more of anthroposophical studies, and you will be in the middle of understanding Rudolf Steiner´s lectures!”

By studying Arts and Science, I am referring to classes like watercolor painting and the study of the theory of color according to Wolfgang von Goethe, Form Drawing, and the meaning of the line (straight and curved) for the child’s soul and spirit´s development. Eurythmy as healing movement for the human being. How to teach Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Geography, Botany, and History from the anthroposophical point of view.

I´ve had a couple of experiences that seemed funny when I told them to my students. During the second year, I had my first Eurythmy class. The teacher, a very strict and experienced one, asked us to bring dancing shoes, which I forgot at home. She said, “To dance Eurythmy means feeling, coordinating, and moving with grace and rhythm!” And without the proper shoes, the only thing I was paying attention to was not to slip and fall down. Grace and rhythm? Please! Wait for me next year!

And this year’s experience with Botany made my students laugh for a week. As I wanted to represent my school properly, before leaving for Cuernavaca, I did my nails to look nice and elegant. On the first day of class, the teacher told us that for several days we had to work with compost and handle horse pup. Oh, my beautiful nice hands, I said. Kneeled on the floor, gathering horse pups, and learning how to teach children how to grow a plant, as part of a natural process. Goodbye, beautiful pink nails!

What will happen after I obtain my International Waldorf Teachers´s Certification? It means that I will be certified as a teacher who knows the Waldorf Curriculum by heart, that I have the complete knowledge of how to guide children from Grade 1 through Grade 8, according to Rudolf Steiner´s teachings and vision. I, through my hard and conscious learning, have become a member of the international community of teachers that shares values, knowledge, and vision to guide our students to understand their new and changing world.

Learning to Write Using the Waldorf Approach

Waldorf schools encompass the whole human experience in literacy when teaching reading and writing to students in Class One.  Social, emotional, and communication skills are developed in Waldorf Kindergartens, as well as healthy habits for a child’s physical well-being. Academics are left entirely for Class One.  It is in Class One that Rudolf Steiner, founder of Waldorf Education, indicates students are developmentally ready and able to turn their attention to academics and learning to read and write.

According to Rudolf Steiner, children’s eyes, before the age of 6 or 7, are not sufficiently developed to focus on printed text in a healthy way. confirms that our eyes are constantly growing and are not fully developed until age 19 or 20(1). First Grade therefore becomes the best time to start training our eyes in a healthy way to track text and assign meaning to that text.

In Waldorf schools, children in Class One are introduced to text in a pictorial way.  A story is told with strong imagery, from which a capital letter can be developed. Therefore, children have an emotional experience with an image from the story. Their emotional attachment is transferred to their recreating that picture with the guidance of a teacher.  These first pictures are akin to symbolic drawings from early human cultures which can now be found in caves or other rock surfaces of ancient places. The pictures are a symbol with special meaning.

Over a few days or a week, the teacher guides students to find the Roman capital letter contained in the image and the letter itself is practiced. Rather than doing this by having children make a large number of repetitions of the letter on lined paper, children are guided in the form of the letter and method of drawing.  A single letter takes up a whole page in children’s main lesson books, which is a sort of textbook students create themselves over the years and which documents their progress.

Through modeling, demonstration, practicing the letter in the air, on the floor, in small sandboxes, and then finally on a sheet of paper, children can move the letter from the image they held in their minds, to a whole-body, gross motor skills, motion, and then finally to a fine-motor skills activity putting it on paper.  Though it may seem slow to outsiders to take up to a week to introduce the first consonant to children in this way, it is building skills that will transfer and improve student handwriting and future literacy.

Having taught in both Waldorf schools and public schools in the United States I can affirm that students who have letters introduced slowly, artistically, and as a whole body experience, have greater mastery of spelling, reading, and penmanship than students who are not given guidance and time to build this strong foundation. Experiencing the history of imagery and symbolism in text and engendering meaning into these symbols at the appropriate time for children’s development is a crucial foundation presented in Waldorf schools worldwide.


Tips para fortalecer la inteligencia emocional en los niños

Escrito por Gabriela de Erichsen

El pasado jueves tuvimos nuestro segundo “Growing Up Together” del año. Este programa está diseñado para nuestros papás Trinus y su objetivo principal es proveer herramientas y conocimiento que apoyen el crecimiento y formación en la tarea de primeros educadores. Para contribuir al desarrollo de personas creativas y libres que actúen con integridad y por consiguiente continuar transformando “pequeños en gigantes.” 

El tema para este mes fue impartido por nuestra psicopedagoga Lic. Sharlyn Dieguez.

A continuación puedes ver la plática completa y un resumen del tema impartido.

El tema de inteligencia emocional se ha convertido en una necesidad para todo ser humano, especialmente para los niños. Estamos acostumbrados a enfocar nuestra energía y recursos en desarrollar la parte intelectual de nuestros hijos, dejando en segundo plano incluso a un lado la parte emocional. Daniel Goleman, dice que al menos 80% del éxito en la edad adulta proviene de la inteligencia emocional. En Trinus le damos importancia al desarrollo integral de nuestros alumnos y nuestro enfoque es que todas las áreas del alumno sean nutridas y fortalecidas. Esto abarca la parte intelectual, la emocional y la educación de la voluntad. Encontrar el equilibrio en estas tres áreas es lo que nuestros educadores trabajan a lo largo del año. 

Empecemos por definir ¿qué es inteligencia emocional?, se define como la habilidad para gestionar bien las emociones, ya sean las nuestras como las de los demás. 

Como cualquier otra habilidad, la inteligencia emocional se puede enseñar o potenciar. Y esto nos debe motivar como padres y educadores a apoyar a los más pequeños a fortalecer esta área en sus vidas. 

¿Cómo podemos fortalecerla? 

Sharlyn nos compartió 10 tips prácticos que podemos implementar: 

  1. Reconocer mis emociones – ¿Qué estoy sintiendo? 
  2. Nombrar las emociones – al identificar por nombre la emociones podemos trabajarlas y regularlas.
  3. Dar el ejemplo – los niños aprenden por imitación, por lo tanto reaccionarán, hablarán de la misma manera que nosotros los adultos lo hacemos.
  4. Mantener la calma, recordar quién es el adulto de la situación.
  5. Desarrollar empatía – “Entiendo que cuando pasa esto… te molestas mucho, yo también me enojaría…” 
  6. Brindar opciones de cómo reaccionar – “Entiendo que estabas muy molesto, la próxima vez podríamos respirar y esperar 10 minutos antes de actuar”. 
  7. Fomentar el diálogo democrático – aprender a escuchar y que ellos nos escuchen, así como tener esos espacios donde podemos expresar lo que sentimos y dejarlos expresarse también. 
  8. Establecer límites claros – Los niños necesitan saber qué es lo que esperamos de ellos, no podemos asumir que ellos saben sin haberles modelado las reglas y normas. 
  9. Aceptar cuando hemos cometido un error 
  10. No forzar las disculpas 

“El cerebro emocional responde a un evento más rápidamente que el cerebro pensante.” Dr. Goleman 

Un aspecto importante es que la comunicación efectiva, mantiene la puerta de la comunicación abierta para que los chicos no sientan miedo de expresarse. 

Como padres y educadores tenemos esa labor hermosa de formar y brindar las herramientas a nuestros niños para que puedan desarrollarse de la mejor forma posible. Esta labor requiere de constancia, paciencia y mucho amor. 

Los resultados tal vez no los veremos tan rápido como quisiéramos, pero como un día me dijo mi hermano mayor: “algún día verás el resultado de todo esfuerzo y constancia en educar un buen hábito ó corregir determinada actitud, y dirás valió la pena”. 

No te des por vencido, sigue intentando y repitiendo cuantas veces sea necesario lo que quieres formar y educar en tus hijos o alumnos. ¡Te aseguro que verás los resultados! 

Por lo que nosotros como adultos somos los primeros que debemos fortalecer nuestra inteligencia emocional porque al final del día nuestros hijos son nuestro espejo. 

“Los niños emocionalmente inteligentes, son adultos exitosos”.

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