Entradas de] cassandra

Creación de imágenes mentales: el gran déficit de los niños de la era tecnológica

Escrito por Tamara Chubarovsky es una pedagoga Waldorf. Las imágenes mentales creadas por uno mismo al escuchar una historia o al leer, perduran en la memoria a través del tiempo. Los cuentos siempre han sido una fuente que ha nutrido a los niños a nivel emocional y también han ayudado al desarrollo de capacidades cognitivas […]

Deja de pedir permiso a tus hijos para todo, y fortalecerás su individualidad

Por Gerson Pérez Cardoza, co fundador de la Comunidad de Aprendizaje basada en la Pedagogía Waldorf – Niño Mágico en Guadalajara, México. Preguntamos todo, sin darnos cuenta Este artículo empezó a gestarse una hermosa mañana de Febrero, de esas que todavía nos recibían con frío, cuando llegaba a la escuela una pequeña de año y […]

Hay peores cosas que no aprender a leer en preescolar

Escrito por Gaye Groover Christmus. Traducido por Trinus El año que Sam comenzó preescolar, cumplió 6 el mes de octubre. Él era uno de los niños más grandes de su salón de clases y aún no sabía leer. Cuando comenzó primer grado, tenía casi 7 y aún no sabía leer. Afortunadamente para Sam, él entró […]

Screen time

Written by Rene Petersen, teacher at Trinus Let’s clear something up right from the start! A misconception exists that Waldorf schools are “anti-technology”. BUT…. According to the dictionary, technology is defined as: “science or knowledge put into practical use to solve a problem or invent something.” Waldorf schools are not anti-technology. How could we possibly […]

The Impact of Technology on the Developing Child

Written by Cris Rowan, Pediatric occupational therapist, biologist, speaker, author. Reminiscing about the good old days when we were growing up is a memory trip well worth taking when trying to understand the issues facing the children of today. A mere 20 years ago, children used to play outside all day, riding bikes, playing sports and […]

Differentiating Instruction

Written by Rene Petersen, teacher at Trinus In the classroom, teachers are often faced with the challenge of teaching a group of children with varying learning styles, abilities and interests. Their classrooms may also include children with special needs and they also need to be taken into account when planning lessons and teaching. This can […]

Creative Discipline

Understanding Creative Discipline in the early years By: Réne Petersen, Trinus teacher Introduction As teachers and parents, every day is filled with moments which require us to consider which lessons we would like to teach our children. Creative discipline is then a process which we work with constantly so that we become more flexible and […]

There is structure within the rhythm

Written by Rene Petersen, Trinus teacher     In Waldorf Schools rhythm plays an essential part in daily, weekly and yearly planning. Rhythm holds the children; it makes them feel safe and secure. It gives them clear boundaries by which they can mark the passage of time throughout the day or the year. The repetition […]

Myth Busting: How Reading Is Taught in a Waldorf School

Written by Sara Baldwin, Waldorf teacher The Evolution of Language In the evolution of humanity, spoken language developed first. Then came written language, originally through symbols (think hieroglyphics). Finally, once there was a written language, people learned to read. This is exactly the sequence in which children master language, and so is the sequence in […]

¿Jugamos? ¡Es como mejor aprendemos!

Escrito por Katia Saravia Marroquín, Co-fundadora y Directora Trinus. Conforme han pasado los años, les hemos quitado a los pequeños el tiempo de jugar, explorar, de ser creativos y de permitirles disfrutar y desarrollar las habilidades de cada etapa de su desarrollo. Ahora esperamos que infantes de cuatro años se queden sentados en una silla por […]

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