Benefits For Kids Learning A Second Language

Author Bio: Cristin Howard runs Smart Parent Advice, a site that…
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Does Music Make You Smarter?

By Amanda Jones, Trinus Educator The long-contended phrase goes…
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Guatemala me da tanto

Escrito por  Gabriela de Erichsen Queridos amigos guatemaltecos,  Septiembre…
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Adversity, An Opportunity to Build Resilience

Written by Gabriela de Erichsen Since March, Guatemala, and the…
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Great Games for Kids

Written by Cristin Howard from Smart Parents Advice Children…
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What Are The Benefits of Crafts?

Written by Julie Moon As Ingun Schneider remarks in her article…
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How to Explain Fractions to A Child?

How do you introduce your children to fractions? To do so, we…
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How to Establish a Daily Rhythm

We know the importance of having a daily rhythm, especially in…
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Guiding Children to Solve Problems

What is the role of adults in the lives of children?  Many times…
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¿Por qué empezamos a enseñar historia y geografía en 4to grado?

En el video que te compartimos a continuación, Rene Petersen…
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Cuando juega, ¿transforma el objeto en otras cosas?

Cuando el material de juego es abierto nos permite trascenderlo…
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Herramientas Para Fomentar La Inteligencia Emocional en la Familia

  Escrito por Isabel Saravia, psicóloga clínica con máster…
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