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Educación a través del arte

Artículo extraído de la página del Goetheanum En las escuelas Waldorf el arte cumple un papel especial como medio educativo. La actividad artística exige fantasía y creatividad y desarrolla la sensibilidad por las cualidades. Por un lado se traduce siempre en un medio sensorial (colores, formas, tonos, sonidos, etc.); por el otro lado, como expresión […]

Geometry in Waldorf pedagogy

Víctor González, High School Main Educator Various academic programs consider geometry as another academic subject. However, for Waldorf pedagogy, geometry is a core part of what it does; it would be very difficult to find any activity within the pedagogy that is not related to geometry, starting from kindergarten to grade 12. First seven-year term […]

La cena: 30 minutos para una familia más conectada

María Andrea García, psicopedagoga de Trinus «Rodeados de gente que importa, mirando las caras que amamos, contamos nuestros éxitos y compartimos nuestras cargas, reviviendo los dramas cotidianos. La mesa es el lugar donde marcamos hitos, divulgamos sueños, hacemos negocios, damos gracias, planificamos vacaciones y contamos chistes, es donde los niños aprenden las lecciones que las […]

¿Cuál es el temperamento de mi hijo y cómo tratarlo?

Sharlyn Diéguez, educadora principal de Class Four Desde el siglo V A.C. Hipócrates describió cada uno de los temperamentos, definiéndose como parte importante que forma la personalidad de una persona. El temperamento junto con el carácter forman nuestra personalidad. El temperamento de una persona es algo que se determina por medio de genética, por lo […]

El arte de hacer

Andrea García, educadora principal de Early Childhood En la educación Waldorf el arte, la música y los trabajos manuales son herramientas esenciales que se utilizan como medio pedagógico. La actividad artística exige fantasía y creatividad, lo cual, al situar a los niños y jóvenes en contacto directo con formas, colores, sonidos y materiales, es un […]

Harvest Festival

Text from the book Celebrating Festivals with Children, by Freya Jaffke Creating the mood ourselves Once the sun has reached its highest point at St John’s, ripening and fruiting begin to come into their own. We gratefully receive the first gifts of nature, which follow in abundance through the autumn. However, we don’t only offer […]

The Crucial Role of Discipline in Teenagehood

by Stuardo Monroy, High School Main Educator Teenagehood, often referred to as the «adolescent years,» is a period of profound transformation and self-discovery. It is a phase characterized by rapid physical, emotional, and intellectual growth, as adolescents navigate their way from childhood to adulthood, as well as facing the challenges of an evolving Waldorf education […]

Teacher Accreditation Experience

by Sheny Figueroa Tarot, Class 3 Main Educator Cuernavaca, México, is the place where I have spent half of my Summer vacation during the last two years. The reason is that I have been studying to obtain my International Waldorf Teacher’s Certification.  And I have had a great experience each time I’ve been to the […]

Learning to Write Using the Waldorf Approach

Waldorf schools encompass the whole human experience in literacy when teaching reading and writing to students in Class One.  Social, emotional, and communication skills are developed in Waldorf Kindergartens, as well as healthy habits for a child’s physical well-being. Academics are left entirely for Class One.  It is in Class One that Rudolf Steiner, founder […]

Waldorf School Project in Year Four

Suggested blogs Inclusion in Education in Guatemala, is it Lacking? ¿Por qué empezamos a enseñar historia y geografía en 4to grado? Class Nine Curriculum Overview El arte de enseñar matemáticas: la historia de los amigos matemáticos

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