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Preparing for Life

The New York Times sparked national media coverage with its front page story on why Silicon Valley parents are turning to Waldorf education. This film, created by the Waldorf School of the Peninsula, picks up where that story left off. «Preparing for Life» takes viewers inside the School where the focus is on developing the capacities for creativity, resilience, innovative thinking, and social and emotional intelligence over rote learning. Entrepreneurs, Stanford researchers, investment bankers, and parents who run some of the largest hi-tech companies in the world, weigh-in on what children need to navigate the challenges of the 21st Century in order to find success, purpose, and joy in their lives.

This film provides an overview of the focus of Waldorf education in the different stages from preschool to high school and the abilities the children develop in each stage.

Tips para fortalecer la inteligencia emocional en los niños

Escrito por Gabriela de Erichsen

El pasado jueves tuvimos nuestro segundo “Growing Up Together” del año. Este programa está diseñado para nuestros papás Trinus y su objetivo principal es proveer herramientas y conocimiento que apoyen el crecimiento y formación en la tarea de primeros educadores. Para contribuir al desarrollo de personas creativas y libres que actúen con integridad y por consiguiente continuar transformando “pequeños en gigantes.” 

El tema para este mes fue impartido por nuestra psicopedagoga Lic. Sharlyn Dieguez.

A continuación puedes ver la plática completa y un resumen del tema impartido.

El tema de inteligencia emocional se ha convertido en una necesidad para todo ser humano, especialmente para los niños. Estamos acostumbrados a enfocar nuestra energía y recursos en desarrollar la parte intelectual de nuestros hijos, dejando en segundo plano incluso a un lado la parte emocional. Daniel Goleman, dice que al menos 80% del éxito en la edad adulta proviene de la inteligencia emocional. En Trinus le damos importancia al desarrollo integral de nuestros alumnos y nuestro enfoque es que todas las áreas del alumno sean nutridas y fortalecidas. Esto abarca la parte intelectual, la emocional y la educación de la voluntad. Encontrar el equilibrio en estas tres áreas es lo que nuestros educadores trabajan a lo largo del año. 

Empecemos por definir ¿qué es inteligencia emocional?, se define como la habilidad para gestionar bien las emociones, ya sean las nuestras como las de los demás. 

Como cualquier otra habilidad, la inteligencia emocional se puede enseñar o potenciar. Y esto nos debe motivar como padres y educadores a apoyar a los más pequeños a fortalecer esta área en sus vidas. 

¿Cómo podemos fortalecerla? 

Sharlyn nos compartió 10 tips prácticos que podemos implementar: 

  1. Reconocer mis emociones – ¿Qué estoy sintiendo? 
  2. Nombrar las emociones – al identificar por nombre la emociones podemos trabajarlas y regularlas.
  3. Dar el ejemplo – los niños aprenden por imitación, por lo tanto reaccionarán, hablarán de la misma manera que nosotros los adultos lo hacemos.
  4. Mantener la calma, recordar quién es el adulto de la situación.
  5. Desarrollar empatía – “Entiendo que cuando pasa esto… te molestas mucho, yo también me enojaría…” 
  6. Brindar opciones de cómo reaccionar – “Entiendo que estabas muy molesto, la próxima vez podríamos respirar y esperar 10 minutos antes de actuar”. 
  7. Fomentar el diálogo democrático – aprender a escuchar y que ellos nos escuchen, así como tener esos espacios donde podemos expresar lo que sentimos y dejarlos expresarse también. 
  8. Establecer límites claros – Los niños necesitan saber qué es lo que esperamos de ellos, no podemos asumir que ellos saben sin haberles modelado las reglas y normas. 
  9. Aceptar cuando hemos cometido un error 
  10. No forzar las disculpas 

“El cerebro emocional responde a un evento más rápidamente que el cerebro pensante.” Dr. Goleman 

Un aspecto importante es que la comunicación efectiva, mantiene la puerta de la comunicación abierta para que los chicos no sientan miedo de expresarse. 

Como padres y educadores tenemos esa labor hermosa de formar y brindar las herramientas a nuestros niños para que puedan desarrollarse de la mejor forma posible. Esta labor requiere de constancia, paciencia y mucho amor. 

Los resultados tal vez no los veremos tan rápido como quisiéramos, pero como un día me dijo mi hermano mayor: “algún día verás el resultado de todo esfuerzo y constancia en educar un buen hábito ó corregir determinada actitud, y dirás valió la pena”. 

No te des por vencido, sigue intentando y repitiendo cuantas veces sea necesario lo que quieres formar y educar en tus hijos o alumnos. ¡Te aseguro que verás los resultados! 

Por lo que nosotros como adultos somos los primeros que debemos fortalecer nuestra inteligencia emocional porque al final del día nuestros hijos son nuestro espejo. 

“Los niños emocionalmente inteligentes, son adultos exitosos”.

A Unique Approach in Teaching Social Studies

Interview made to Miss Petersen, Main Grades Educator in Trinus.

How do you engage your students in social studies lessons?

It depends on the age of the students. Currently, I am teaching grade 6 and a big way of engaging them is through discussions- By asking and listening to their opinions of the content that was brought.

We do debates where children have to back up their opinions with reasons e.g. I divided the class into 2 teams: Spartans and Athenians; then each had to argue why their way of life was the best.

Encouraging them to ask questions

Helping them see how EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED

In geography I always try to connect it to the children’s country e.g. “The population is 4 times bigger than that of Guatemala” This is a great way to help them connect and engage with content

Lots of artistic work: drawings, Maps, acting out the Greek myths, songs, poems, even making forms out of clay, etc

Lots of humor and jokes

Stories that stir emotional reactions AS MANY EMOTIONS as possible


How do you apply real-world relevancy to the lessons?

Connecting content to the children’s own country; making comparisons with things the children know and see in their environment

Connecting to  BIG WORLD news stories e.g. while learning Greece we could link that to the Olympics being canceled because of the pandemic

By making a BIG deal of how something that happened long ago still affects us today e.g. “the Olympic event Marathon is called this because it’s the distance ran….. “ I get very excited when I point things like this out to the children, I act like it’s so cool as if I’m hearing this for the first time like them. This makes history alive and current for children, to hear and learn things like this

By letting them ASK QUESTIONS

Having experts come in where possible to discuss this in greater detail, share more knowledge, and answer questions

What examples do you have of incorporating the arts into social studies lessons?

Map drawing as an art- where possible we draw maps freehand

Paintings- painting a desert landscape or a Greek fleet sailing for Persia

Clay modeling: we made monsters from Greek myths

Drama-acting out stories

Recitation- learning poems

Singing- learning songs from a culture

Writing- even if this can be artistic work that we create together, the Athenians valued the power of speech

Poetry- writing poetry e.g. an ode to the river, learning poetry from that era

Waldorf book

What strategies do you use to create learning experiences that activate students’ prior knowledge?

Before I start a social studies block I always ask children to tell me something they already know about the topic, or I give them a blank map to fill places in. Then at the end, we review this and there is that cool moment when they see how much MORE they know now

I ask specific guiding questions to relate it to something they have already seen

Ask “Can anyone think what this is connected to?”

Encourage them to make predictions of what COULD happen so they can open to thinking in this cause-and-effect way which is ESSENTIAL IN SOCIAL STUDIES

Fun pop Class quiz to see who remembers

Generate excitement

Giving students time to think

Encourage them to ask questions!


Miss Petersen

Transitioning to the Waldorf System

Written by Miss Petersen

A question we get asked a lot at Trinus is: “How will my child cope with the move from a traditional system to Trinus?”

In answer to this question, I would like to share:

  1. A picture of what your child will be transitioning to
  2. Some of my experiences with my class who all came to Trinus from other traditional systems
  3. Some thoughts around ‘transition’

1. A picture of what your child will be transitioning to

The Waldorf environment is a warm, welcoming, and safe space where children are taught using a responsive curriculum that is based on child development. This means that children are taught content that is age-appropriate and brought forth in a way that is healthy and stimulating for the child. We believe that children must be taught in a way that touches the head, heart, and hand. In this way we help children unfold more than only academically; we educate them to help them reveal and unfold their potential and be healthy human beings. Our kindergarten classes are bursting with children busy at play whilst being guided by someone who knows that play is where they learn and grow! Without the confines of desks, chairs, and formal learning children are free to also strengthen and develop their physical bodies. A strong body is needed when they move on to the grades to be able to sit up straight and listen to the educator and work for a full day without getting tired as well as for writing. Language is acquired through songs, stories, puppet shows, and rhymes which stimulate rather than tire children. Our Grades classrooms are full of smiling, happy children who love being at Trinus! Children who are curious to learn and feel free to ask questions. Where children are taught math through movement and learn history through stories, making paintings, acting out a story, and even reading fiction! It is a space where each child is accepted for who they are and respected at whichever level they are. We also understand that overloading a child with homework is unhealthy and places extra stress not only on the child but on the family too. Formal homework is only introduced in the upper grades once children are ready for greater responsibility. It is also a space where educators, administrators, and parents seek to grow healthy relationships through open communication, respect, trust, and professionalism. 

Math Waldorf

2. Experiences with my class

My class and I started together when Trinus opened its doors in August 2017. They were aged between 7-8 years old and had all come from other traditional systems around Guatemala. In the beginning, they found it strange that their day now included singing sitting, and listening to stories. I asked them questions and wanted to hear their opinions. That all of a sudden games and drama classes became part of the day. And once they started to relax into our rhythms magic happened in the classroom. They began to smile more and grow more confident. They began to ask questions and feel less embarrassed when they made a mistake. They started singing louder and begging to be given parts in whatever drama we did. I think they started to see that class can be fun and that learning is a joy. Of course, I have very different children so some took longer than others, some needed time to adapt but each definitely started claiming their space! Academically there were children at various levels with multiple learning styles and the Waldorf curriculum finds ways to reach and appeal to all of them. From week 2 I had parents sharing changes they had already seen in their children. And some were big changes. And they all told me they were so relieved to have found Trinus. I would like to share some testimonials: 

«We have seen a radical change in our daughters. Not just emotionally, but also academically. In addition, they now handle English perfectly, which was previously an obstacle. It is impressive how they have grown in their security. They have managed to face their obstacles, and they achieve their goals. We are happy because Trinus really feels like family. We are confident that we have made the best decision in the education of our daughters.»

– Familia Sagastume Morataya

«I am happy that we had the courage to be part of this new family. 😉 Many believe that, in non-traditional methods, such as Waldorf, children do not learn as much or are not well prepared for University, life, etc. but the more I learn about this method, the more I understand its structure and its solid foundations. Trinus educators are the most passionate and connected I have ever met. They really believe in what they do and they do it with passion, with love, and with a lot of preparation.»

– Carla Egurrola

3. Some thoughts around ‘transition’

Transition means change. And for us humans change is always scary- especially as we get older. We must remember that children are way more resilient than us adults. They are more flexible, they adapt quicker, and they accept things without question. So instead of asking the question: “How will my child cope?” rather ask: “How will I cope?” Trinus classrooms look totally different from the traditional structures we know and were educated in. And it can be difficult to let go of those rigid structures in our minds. At Trinus we welcome the child in reverence, get to know that child, and then work to help the child grow and unfold in a healthy, safe, and loving space. With transition, there is always an adjustment phase and that’s when we hold the child most to help and guide them through.

Come and experience for yourself what could be possible for your child. We can share more of our stories with you.

Nurturing Your Child

By Carrie Riley

I would like to share information on Waldorf philosophy and ways we can reinforce the rhythms at home.  


Rhythm- is structure, it is what brings order out of chaos and we all know how chaotic life can be with young children. 

When we provide a rhythmical day for the little ones it brings them a sense of security in the knowing, a sense of well-being, relaxation, and a sense of accomplishment. 

There is a yearly rhythm that is reflected in the seasons and a time to experience a feeling of community as we come together to enjoy the different feelings that nature provides throughout the year. There is a monthly rhythm with the waxing and waning of the moon. Women get to experience a monthly rhythm for more than half their lives. There is a weekly rhythm and daily rhythm that provides structure to our work life, family life, and social life. It is the daily rhythm that affects the children most.

In Waldorf education when we look to create a rhythm for the children we look to format it in terms of an in and out breath. The in-breath is a more formal or contained part of the rhythm whereas the out-breath is the moment you can let it all go.  This is happening because our lives have changed and we have two working parents trying to get out the door by a certain time the morning is a big IN breath for the children, so by the time they come to school they need an OUT breath which can happen during free play with active play, then for circle, IN breath, then OUT breath with the HUG shop, then snack IN breath etc.

Breathing is rhythmical and it is the basis of life. If we move through the day this way we are teaching the children at the very core of their being how to live life in a healthy and balanced way. Plus it makes your life much easier. When they know the rules and what to expect they are much more likely to cooperate. 

Think of rhythm as the structure of the home, walls, ceiling, floors, windows, and the fluctuations of the day are all the decorations inside. You get to redecorate your home every day; I know it leaves us all in constant amazement at how different one day can be from the other. Here are some ideas of how you can provide rhythm in your home.

  • Sleeping– try to put your child to bed at the same time every night. Have a simple routine that is just for those moments before bed. It helps them to know what is coming and what is expected of them. Lights in the bedroom come on when it is time for you to get up, if not on, it’s not time, go back to sleep.
  • Meals – try to have meals be at a similar time and place each night. Again have some type of ritual, lighting a candle, a song, a verse. Be clear with your expectations with your child. Do they need to sit until everyone is finished etc. Think about those things and stick to them. Your life will be easier when they become teenagers. Snacks when and how. 
  • Playtime, etc.
  • Clothing– Where are their shoes kept, jackets, what can they do by themselves? Create a rhythm of expectations before leaving the house. Do they need to keep their hat on?
  • Cleaning – toys and pick up, when they need to be picked up?

Much of it has to do with how your family’s day looks and how you can make certain moments in the day predictable and the same. 

Tools for supporting your child’s behaviors

(i.e. do  not give too many choices)

Rhythm is supported by firm boundaries with the young child. Again creating form and structure for them makes them feel safe. A young child does not want to be in charge. They don’t want to be the ones making decisions. When a child is asked if they want to eat now or would you like to put on a jacket it creates a lot of anxiety for the child. They want and need authority. Of course, we want to approach this in a loving way. First, we say “You may put on your shoes now.” or “It’s time for me to put on your shoes now.” Adding a bit of imagination works wonders. “ come to the shoe shop”  if a child is not wanting to put on their shoes, as this is common for most at some point, we can approach this with, “I will put on your shoes or you may do it”.                                             


You may sit until we are all finished with dinner. Repeat until the child understands, it may take time and that is okay. By providing children freedom within the container you create they will feel safer and can trust the world more. Don’t worry there will be plenty of time for them to be the decision maker.


Nutrition has a huge impact on behavior. Everything from cooperation to sleep, to mood, and most importantly health. This time of year we are all very interested in keeping our children healthy and free from as many colds and flu and we can make it possible. Nutrition is key in the prevention of sickness. 

Providing nutrient-dense foods that are packed with vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats. Non-processed, whole, and if possible organic foods. One of the most important foods to avoid is sugar. When researching what amount of sugar is okay for young children, it was very difficult to find a recommended amount. Then I found out why when I came across a site that said no amount of sugar is okay for a young child. So no one wants to commit to an okay amount because there is no amount that is okay. With that in mind…and the reality that we live in a world full of sugar. Grandparents give it, aunties and uncles give it and sometimes we even use it to bribe our children. However, we can do our best to reduce the amount as much as we can. So begin to find the hidden sugars in your child’s life. For example: 1 t is 4.7 gms of sugar so when a child eats one of those healthy organic fruit yogurts that has 18 grams of sugar you are giving them just under 4 teaspoons of sugar. Then we put a half-sliced apple in there which is about 11 grams of sugar so just over 2 teaspoons of sugar. Then a peanut butter and jelly sandwich anywhere from 11 to 18 grams so another 2-4 teaspoons. What happens to a child when they eat sugar? It spikes their blood sugar for a time. Then they crash, it activates their endorphins and adrenals, which over-stimulates the child. When there is a lot of sugar in the blood, which in layman’s terms, is digested by the white blood cells and reduces the white blood cells’ ability to absorb any viruses or foreign agents in the body by 75% for 4-6 hours. If sugar is a must always couple it with protein to help reduce the blood sugar spike. Books say sugar is the cause of obesity not fat. Also, sugar keeps the immune system at risk. Give lots of good fat (nuts, avocado, olive oil, animal fats) to your kids for brain and organ development. And keep them warm, less sugar and more warmth with lots of sleep will help keep sickness at bay.


Speaking of warmth, it is very important to keep your children warm. We speak of warmth in the Waldorf world on several levels: physical warmth, environmental, and emotional warmth. It is an absolute necessity for a growing, thriving child. This time of year in colder climates, however, physical warmth is at the forefront. Keep your babies warm. Even though a child’s temperature can often run higher than adults, children don’t have a developed enough system yet to maintain that heat, so they chill much faster than we do. They also don’t have the body awareness to understand when they are feeling cold, even up to 7 years old they may not understand that they are cold. When they get cold the body is using up its energy that should be going to maintain the immune system, developing organs, building the body and the brain for keeping the child warm so they survive.  We don’t want our children to be in survival mode. Those need to be taken care of by us so they can be free to grow and develop. There are two rules of thumb used to gauge your child’s warmth.

  1. Are their hands and feet cold? If so there is not enough warmth in the body’s core to heat the extremities. Put on more clothes. But if they are warm, it does not necessarily mean they are warm enough.  
  2. If you need two layers your child needs three. Always an extra layer than what you find you need. Do not make the mistake of asking your child if they are warm enough. They do not have the capacity of body knowledge yet to determine this adult body awareness. Remember to touch their hands and feet. 

It’s important to use natural materials like silk, wool, or cotton.  Organic cotton clothes are important for your baby because you really want to limit their irritants and exposure to chemicals when they’re developing. This will not only keep them healthier and help them develop more naturally, but it will also keep them a lot more comfortable due to limiting the irritants around them. 

Thank you for taking the time to understand a little bit more about Waldorf education, rhythm, and warmth.

Our Children Learning About Business

Written by Cassandra Escobar, Trinus co-founder

In Class 6 our students learn business economics and then put these skills into practice by starting and running their own business!  It is an amazing way to teach our students about how our society functions.  It is also an opportunity for them to learn that when we work we create something of value for others and that people will pay for the goods or services. 

Christian Erichsen, Trinus’s father and business manager shared some of his BUSINESS knowledge WITH OUR STUDENTS. You can view part of his talk with them in the video below. 

I  would like to share what Cristina Castillo wrote after the talk. 

Cristina Asensio

“Everything Mr. Erichsen said was very interesting and true. I think every business in the whole wide world makes the best effort for people to come back. I think it may be very, very stressful to pay at least 2,600 people. It is a huge responsibility to manage a big business. When Mr. Erichsen said that a lot of pharmacies together are called a ¨CHAIN¨ of pharmacies I just thought of collective nouns. I think running a business means you have to find people you can trust that you know are not going to take advantage of you. I think it will really help us to make a good business of our own now that we know all of that to make our business better. I now really realize how much pressure adults have now that I really understand all the adults I know, I could try to not be such a headache. I did not know that when you start a business you have to think of so many details. When you start a business you need to have a very big vision. I think we are going to make a great business thanks to Mr. Erichsen. We are going to do great. I think it is totally amazing to have your own business. I learned a lot from Mr. Erichsen.”

That is so powerful! By learning more about everything that running a business entails, Cristina is more appreciative and mindful of those adults who surround her and have all these responsibilities. She is more aware of all the pressure they could be going through some days and she can understand more and be more mindful of her interaction with them. It also inspired her to think about their class business. 

We also had a few other students who  took good notes of what they learned: 

Maria Sandoval Cáceres: 


  • We need to do everything with excellence.
  • When people buy from your business with the money you get you can sell more.
  • For your business, you need a personal purpose.
  • Sell your products for a higher price than you bought them so you can earn more, and that is called THE GROSS PROFIT.
  • You need a bank account so you can pay your security, and your employees, pay the government, pay the taxes, and what is left is yours.

Luca Gonzalez:

Luca Gonzalez

  • To start a business you need suppliers.
  • You need customers.
  • You need salespeople.
  • You need to put your business in a commercial area.
  • You need people to sell the products.
  • You need a manager to run a business.
  • Business is interesting.

Juan Pablo Charchalac:

Juan Pablo Charchalac

  • The more commercial an area is, the more they charge you for being there.
  • There are companies that make their own products.
  • You can invest in another pharmacy or in better pharmacies that already exist.
  • I believe that I will work in human resources.
  • I think the most important department is marketing.

Our children are currently working as a team to start creating a business of their own with the support of Miss Petersen. Throughout the year they will put these concepts into practice, and learn through trial and error. They will also experience the challenges of learning to work together- which is crucial in business.  We look forward to finding out more about their business and to supporting them once they start selling or providing their service. Good luck Class 6!!


Cassandra Escobar

Cassandra Escobar

Inclusion in Education in Guatemala, is it Lacking?

Written by Rocío Colina, President of 502 Down Syndrome

In Guatemala, we lack of options for schools with inclusive education. There are only a few schools that are open to inclusion, even though education is a human right of every child, regardless of his or her capacities.

In some cases, schools are willing to open to inappropriate inclusion, such as “accepting” children but in a “special needs class”. A true inclusive learning environment is not a place where students with a disability learn in isolation from their peers. In other cases, they accept children and have them form part of the same class as other students, but only with a shadow teacher or by attending the class simply as listeners, only occupying a space, but without learning or without a code from the Ministry of Education, which means that the institution does not have an educational commitment towards the student. In other words, it doesn’t matter to the institution if the student with a disability learns or not, because there isn’t a commitment.

Real inclusion means regular schools welcome the child, permitting him or her to form part of the same class as regular children, with pairs of the same age, learning the same contents with pedagogical adjustments, based on an educational commitment. Inclusive education is about how we develop and design our schools, classrooms, programs, and activities so that all students learn and participate together, in which the student has an educational curriculum that is adapted based on his or her needs.

For children with Down syndrome, it is especially important for them not to have a shadow teacher because the purpose is to make them independent for adequate development. In some extremely rare cases, they might need a shadow teacher only if a multidisciplinary team determines it would be better for the student.

In Guatemala, the Ministry of Education has already a special education department, enabling all students to attend regular schools with pedagogical adjustments. The majority of educational institutions in Guatemala ignore the fact that they can count on this department.

A lot of times, because of the lack of information, they perceive it as something complicated to implement, or they might think that it can get difficult to deal with the Ministry of Education, which might lead to cause fear to be opening up for inclusion. Other times this openness is denied due to the absence of attitude, information, or will.

It is significant for schools to inform themselves and prepare their teachers to initiate a real inclusion in order to have a successful inclusion. An excellent teacher who is skilled in inclusion becomes an extraordinary teacher.

Parents need to also be informed, learn, and empower themselves to help their children on this path, inclusion requires teamwork, and the most valuable members are the parents. Parents need to focus on learning to help their children, and that means also recognizing things that need to be worked on and being persistent on these things without guilt.

It is also important to recognize that inclusion is a human right, not charity. A lot of associations are working towards inclusion, respect, and equal opportunities. There are a lot of myths, preconceptions, or lack of information that make this task harder. These associations work to create awareness and educate about equality, including avoiding name-calling and labeling people with Down Syndrome or disabilities. When we use names to describe a person with Down syndrome or a disability, we are making them different and not part of it, which makes inclusion more difficult.

Inclusion has to be a commitment between the parents, the teacher, and the educational institution, that needs to put in the same effort to every student that becomes part of their school. In spite of that, the Ministry of Education of Guatemala already has a department that can help schools with inclusion.

Another problem in Guatemala is that there isn´t any educational degree for special education, or some other therapeutic degree, leading to the lack of professionals that may manage or follow up on the work of inclusion. We need to have these university degrees and start to, not only have inclusion, but a social culture of inclusion.

Inclusion does not only benefit students with disabilities but also regular students, because they develop into more humane individuals, with a higher degree of tolerance, solidarity, and respect for others.  With the rejection of children with disabilities in regular schools we are teaching our future generations to refuse to include people who make an effort to succeed and who want to learn to form part of a society and be productive; we teach them instead to be competitive rather than humanistic.

Benefits For Kids Learning A Second Language

Author Bio: Cristin Howard runs Smart Parent Advice, a site that provides parenting advice for moms and dads. Cristin writes about all of the different ups and downs of parenting, provides solutions to common challenges, and reviews products that parents need to purchase.

It can be challenging to help your child learn a second language. So here’s a list of great reasons why it’s worthwhile. If you find your enthusiasm for language learning flagging, you can review this list to recover your motivation. We’ve identified the benefits your child will experience, right now, as well as in the future.

Immediate Benefits

Improved Ability to Focus

A study done at the Cornell Language Acquisition Lab showed that children who learn a second language are better able to focus. Even in the face of distractions, children who have a second language can block them out and keep their attention on a single thing. 

This ability to focus is believed to be because learning a second language exercises the part of the brain responsible for selective cognitive processes. In other words, because they have learned to choose a language selectively, then can apply this selectivity to other aspects of their lives.

Faster Learning With More Fluency

While children are young, their brains are hardwired for language learning. The older they get, the harder it is to pick up new languages. So the earlier you start them learning a second language, the more quickly they will pick it up. This is in part because they have less to learn while they’re young. They can focus on the vocabulary that they need. The older they get, the more they have to learn to get started.

Ultimately they are likely to reach a higher level of fluency than if they started to learn that language later. Starting with a small vocabulary makes it easier to get comfortable with the building blocks of a language.

Better Problem-Solving Skills

Children who hear and speak two languages are getting much more cognitive exercise. There is much more processing going on inside their head. This extra work has benefits beyond the ability to speak a second language.

A study looking at preschoolers showed that even at that young age, they were experiencing benefits. The bilingual children were able to sort objects into groups based on shape more accurately. They could do this even when it meant matching against color: Eg, a round green shape into a blue bin. 

Future Benefits

Wider Vocabulary

Kids who speak a second language end up having a broader vocabulary in their first language. They discover that there are lots more words to know, and some begin to ‘collect’ them. Having a wide vocabulary in any language is an early indicator of academic success.

Higher Academic Performance

As we’ve noted, children who speak two or more languages have advantages in processing information. This is what lets them focus on one thing while ignoring distractions. Studies have shown that this applies to spoken language as well. So bilingual children can focus on verbal information, even when there is background noise.

It’s thought that this is responsible for an improvement in their academic performance. After all, it’s a lot easier to learn in class if you can tune out other kids chatting so you can listen to the teacher.

Encourages Creativity

The language that we speak can shape the way that we think about the world. Language is a tool that we use to describe everything around us. Each language does this in a slightly different way. So the more languages your child speaks, the more views they have on the world.

When a child is used to looking at the same things from slightly different viewpoints in their day-to-day life, it fosters creativity. They automatically look for more than one solution, more than one answer. This creativity can have all sorts of benefits as they grow older, especially when it comes time to find a job and perform in the world of work.

Can Protect Against Dementia

This one is a benefit that you’re probably not going to be around to witness. But, bilingual people have significantly lower rates of dementia and Alzheimer’s. The act of speaking more than one language is a great mental exercise. So you’re giving your child tools for success and health at all stages of their life by helping them to learn a second language while they’re still young.

There are plenty of reasons to persist and help your child pick up a second language while their brain is programmed to do so.

Does Music Make You Smarter?

By Amanda Jones, Trinus Educator

The long-contended phrase goes “Music makes you smarter.” Is this true to some degree? Is it true at all? It’s more easy to believe this about some types of music more than other types of music.  This is evidenced by the popularity of playing certain classical music for children before they are even born.  The image of headphones on a pregnant mother’s stomach comes to mind.  Does music really make you smarter?  What does research say? 

In a live Facebook event, we went deeper into these questions. You can watch the 30-minute talk below or read about the topic.

So, does music make you smarter? What do we mean by that? While some studies have reported that you can achieve a higher test score while listening to Mozart, more current research says that “believing listening to music raises test scores and IQ is an oversimplification of what music does for your brain” (Musacchia & Khalil, 2020).  

Music has been shown to do several things for your brain.  Music, especially actively participating in and making music:

  1. Increases your neuroplasticity, 
  2. Creates more active neurological pathways,
  3. Interweaves sensory input,  
  4. Makes a stronger bridge between the right and left hemispheres of your brain (Musacchia & Khalil, 2020).  

Let’s break each of those things down a little with examples.  

Neuroplasticity is your brain’s ability to change, adapt, learn, and grow. The more neuroplasticity your brain has, that’s like saying the better it is at “going with the flow”.  Your brain has more resources and tools to use for the things you experience, both in everyday events and traumatic events.  Benefits of neuroplasticity include, “enhanced memory abilities, a wide range of enhanced cognitive abilities, and more effective learning (Ackerman, 2020).”  For those who experience a stroke or other traumatic brain injury, having greater neuroplasticity means your brain is able to compensate and reroute functions away from the damaged part of the brain.  You’re able to relearn abilities lost in the damaged part of the brain. According to Harvard Medical School, patients with speech problems are “capable of singing words that they cannot speak (Harvard Health Letter, 2007).” I’d say that’s pretty amazing!

Because music uses so many parts of your brain simultaneously, you’re training multiple parts of your brain to work together in an organized and sensible way.  It’s like doing a full-body workout versus focusing on one part of your body.  If I’m someone who is a couch potato, certainly doing some hammer curls and push-ups every day will help. But, it’s like all the cardio exercise videos that are really serious; not only do they have you lifting weights with your arms, but you’re also in a plank position or balancing on one foot, or moving your legs at the same time.  Sometimes you wonder if the video is really trying to help you or give you a heart attack with how hard you’re working.  With music, you’re hearing things, having to pay attention to timing, and rhythm, creating the right words and pitch, and also using your sense of touch and sense of where you exist in the world all at the same time.  It’s a major brain workout, making all the parts of your brain work together for multi-faceted sensory input with more neurons firing simultaneously. Music is never a passive activity.  

In a very real and literal sense, it has been found that every part of the brain is bigger and more developed in those who participate in creating music (Musacchia & Khalil, 2020). Studies done on children who actively participate in music have found that even by the age of 7 the corpus callosum, also known as the “information superhighway” connecting the right and left side of the brain was 25% larger than the average child who did not participate in music (Miller, 2008). 

What are the benefits of a larger corpus callosum?  In certain instances, we like thinking of ourselves as either right-brained or left-brained.  That if we’re artistic and completely disorganized and terrible at spelling and math, well, “we’re just right-brained.”  It’s a nice spin on it. “That’s just the way I’m wired.” Right?  If we’re always correcting others’ grammar, a bookworm, and have trouble drawing stick figures well, “I’m just left-brained. I just am not artsy.”  Really, because music connects the right and left hemispheres of the brain, it means we can use both sides of our brain equally well.  

A personal experience from my life: In about 6th grade every student at our school was given an aptitude test.  This was supposed to help us plan which elective courses we could take in high school before we graduated.  I had chosen band as my first elective in 6th grade and was greatly enjoying it and made many friends in the band.  We all were eager to take our test and get some guidance because there seemed to be a lot of choices for which classes to take. Did I want to take more physical education classes, and some computer technology classes with programming? Maybe some hands-on classes with wood or metalworking? Should I focus on reading more, more art classes, animal or plant sciences, and languages?  The aptitude tests were supposed to measure what you’d be most successful at, and along those lines, they gave you a printout with a little graphic, showing you if you were more right-brained than left-brained, and by how much.  

If you received your aptitude test and it said you were very dominantly right-brained they might not have suggested you do some of the elective courses to learn what accountants do, for instance.  That doesn’t mean you couldn’t do that, but it’d probably be much harder for you.  Well, so we all took the test, and in a few weeks got our print-outs back that would tell us which side of our brains were used more and it also was supposed to suggest three classes we’d be good at, with a sentence or two about why.  Of course, we’re teenagers, so the first thing we all want to do is compare ourselves to everyone else and then probably just take whatever classes it said our friends were good at because we just wanted to be with our friends anyway.   

Well, we all brought our tests out at the end of band class, and we were all so terribly disappointed.  All of us looked at the image of the brain, with the line going down the middle, and for all of us, the “dot” that marked which part of our brains we used most, fell exactly on the middle line of our brain.  For suggested classes, all of our tests simply said something like, “No clear aptitudes emerged from this test.  You should choose classes from your own interests.  You have no clear strengths or weaknesses.”  What a downer of a test.  We all felt like it was saying, “You’re boring and completely normal and there’s nothing special about you.”  But really, when you look at that, that we all had the ability to use both sides of our brain equally, it was a bit like a golden ticket.  It was essentially saying, you’re going to be pretty successful at anything you try.  You don’t have anything holding you back that’s going to make anything inherently difficult for you.  

So, how can we have music work for us in education, outside of band and orchestra classes?  At Trinus educators establish structured learning spaces and routines that become safe environments for students to learn and grow. These routines include music in several ways. Students are immersed in a language-rich English setting full of stories, and narratives offering a more advanced approach to language acquisition and ownership.

At Trinus, educators are constantly singing.  Each day begins with a series of songs and movements that are age-appropriate and directly relate to what we’re learning in class.  Music sets the tone of the classroom and creates an inviting atmosphere.  Singing helps children really arrive and creates that sense of a safe environment.  This looks different depending on the age of the child, but singing very effectively and immediately creates a feeling of reverence, excitement, awe, quiet, focus, or energy in the classroom. 

Singing music and movement as a class is a regular part of the routine for each class at Trinus.  Singing as a class greatly improves and builds memory.  This is easily evidenced by thinking back on your own schooling and things you know because of songs.  I can still repeat mathematical equations in songs from 8th grade. I don’t even know what the equation is and haven’t used it since 8th grade, but I still know the song.  

Singing and movement as a class also builds social and emotional awareness and expressiveness.  You learn things like blending your voice with others, and being aware of and listening to others while simultaneously speaking yourself.  You have to share space and coordinate the song and movement with those around you.  This is not an easy thing to do, even for professional musicians.  

When you sing and move together in the classroom you are also working on impulse control, or the ability to stop and start together, on a cue.  This is very important to develop, especially in young children, and a very good way to do it that is less abrasive than telling the toddler, “It’s time to pick up your toys now.”  But, you’re working the same skills and the same parts of the brain when a child stops singing with their class as when you tell them it’s time to pick up your toys, and they listen and do so. Studies have also shown that students who play music together are more likely to interact positively with those they play music with (Musacchia & Khalil, 2020). The class that plays music together stays together!

Singing has also been shown to improve our ability to hear (Musacchia & Khalil, 2020). The more finely tuned ears are then better able to pick up the nuances of speech better.  Better hearing leads not only to better speech but also better reading.  Students who engage in music have been shown to be better, more advanced readers and have better reading comprehension (Musacchia & Khalil, 2020).  The benefits to reading and speech with musical participation have been shown to be true both in a person’s native language, as well as a foreign language.  When you participate in music activities you don’t just get better at reading or speaking one language, you get better at all languages (Hausen, Torppa, Salmela, Vainio, & Särkämö, 2013). 

By combining singing and movement in the classroom you activate the whole brain and have a whole physical, emotional, social, cognitive, and interactive experience.  At Trinus students connect and live what they learn in order to gain meaning. Experiencing learning through movement and music is a key way to do this.  Music is much more than a way to entertain.  Neuroscience has shown that music activates many parts of the brain simultaneously.  When we engage in music in the classroom we’re helping our brains grow in ways that will benefit us and our students for the rest of their lives. 

Ackerman, C. E. (2020, September 01). What is Neuroplasticity? A Psychologist Explains [ 14 Exercises]. Retrieved September 22, 2020, from Benefits Neuroplasticity Has on the Brain,-Building on the&text=Recovery from brain events like,pick up the slack);
Harvard Health Letter. (2007, March). In Brief: Sing along for health. Retrieved from
Hausen, M., Torppa, R., Salmela, V. R., Vainio, M., & Särkämö, T. (2013, September 02). Music and speech prosody: A common rhythm. Retrieved from

Guatemala me da tanto

Escrito por  Gabriela de Erichsen

Queridos amigos guatemaltecos, 

Septiembre es el mes en que Guatemala se viste de azul y blanco, colores que representan nuestra bandera, la camiseta que nos identifica como chapines, nuestro orgullo. Mes donde recordamos los textiles coloridos que forman parte de nuestra identidad, donde repasamos nuestros únicos y emblemáticos símbolos patrios; sin mencionar el sabor de su comida y sus bellos y coloridos paisajes. Tanto nos da Guatemala que no sabríamos por dónde empezar para devolverle tanto. Por lo que propongo que le devolvamos todo el año felicidad, orgullo, respeto y amor. Septiembre se puede ir, pero el azul y blanco que nos identifica nunca se debe apartar de nuestros corazones.

Este 15 de Septiembre, me encontré con un escrito de una ex compañera de colegio, y me pareció que merecía ser leído por todo guatemalteco que ha recibido tanto de nuestro bello país. Les recomiendo leerlo en familia para que juntos podamos abrir nuestros ojos a todo lo bello que nos rodea. A apreciar y reconocer lo dichosos que somos por vivir en Guatemala. Se los comparto:

Guatemala me da tanto

Guatemala me da tanto, todos los días.

Me da un paisaje de montañas y volcanes siempre verdes, siempre cerca.

Selva enigmática y curiosa, fauna diversa, flora coqueta de la primavera eterna. 

Guatemala me da una bandera azul y blanca ondeando libre, bajo el cielo celeste que se viste de colores en cada atardecer.

Guatemala es color vibrante que vive en las artesanías de hilo y tejido, de cerámica, madera o jade. Es riqueza cultural que a veces parece querer esconderse pero al apreciarla sale imponente con sabiduría milenaria en cada rincón. 

Guatemala me da una oferta incalculable de sabores, desde la tortilla recién salida del comal, hasta platillos de recados elaborados y cocción lenta. Con sus dulces típicos, caldos, verduras coloridas, e infinidad de fruta fresca otorga día con día, un festín al paladar y una sonrisa interna.

Guatemala me da gente bella, chapines trabajadores, sonrientes y amables, valientes, curiosos, solidarios, jocosos y emprendedores. 

Guatemala me da notas de marimba que me hacen viajar en el tiempo, abrazar a mis abuelos y sacar a bailar a mi corazón. Me da escalofríos de orgullo cuando escucho “Luna de Xelajú” en el extranjero o la chirimía en el interior del país.

Guatemala me da pretextos para celebrar, con sus solemnes procesiones en las calles alfombradas con aserrín y flores, con fiambre de mil sabores, nacimientos multicolores y posadas que caminan al ritmo de la tortuga y “El niño del tambor”. Antorchas de independencia, luces pirotécnicas y árboles de Navidad. Ferias patronales, con churros y tamales, chocolate caliente, café y atol.

Guatemala me da tantas razones por las que amo saberme chapina. Pero Guatemala también me da dolor. Dolor al conocer las historias de los migrantes, desolación al ver los rostros del hambre, que la corrupción impide saciar. Guatemala me da contrastes, sus cielos abiertos me inspiran a soñar y a la vez me da pesadillas al vivir en carne propia los látigos de la delincuencia, de tanta agresividad colectiva que provoca muerte y maldad. Y entre su abundancia, Guatemala me muestra pobreza y tanta necesidad. Y el dolor que provoca sentirse impotente hace que muchos cerremos los ojos tratando de ignorar la realidad.

Guatemala me da tanto… porque más que sólo ser una extensión territorial, Guatemala es todo lo que vive y ha vivido, somos tú y yo junto a la historia de ayer y hoy.  Y si Guatemala es un intercambio y ella me da tanto, vale la pena preguntarse ¿qué le doy yo? 

A Guatemala yo le doy mi trabajo diario, le ofrezco mi cambio de mentalidad egoísta por uno que incluya el bien común. Le doy mis rezos, buenas palabras y energía positiva. Hoy a Guatemala le doy un abrazo de cumpleaños, honro lo que ha vivido, agradezco lo que a diario me da, lamento, pido perdón y perdono tanto dolor y me dispongo a aceptar y amar su realidad, con el objetivo de transformarla para que sea mejor. 

Guatemala reparte a diario innumerables bendiciones, muchas que quizás no sabemos del todo agradecer. Hoy es su cumpleaños… si escucháramos lo que dice al hablarnos… ¿qué crees que nos pediría de regalo?

Y a tí, ¿qué te pide Guatemala?
Por Anna Evelyn Valdez Meléndez 

Que nuestro mes patrio sea todos los meses, que nuestro orgullo por Guatemala sea todos los días. Que podamos esparcir por donde vayamos los colores de nuestros textiles que irradian alegría y vida por doquier. ¡Guatemala tu nombre inmortal!

Feliz cumpleaños a nuestra querida Guatemala.

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